
The Italian Liquid Crystal Society welcomes the participants of 14th National SICL Meeting, which will be held in Padua from September 22th to September 23th, 2022 at the Department of Chemical Sciences during the 800th anniversary of the Università degli studi di Padova


The SICL Conference is the traditional national scientific meeting held every two years. Due to the SARS CoV-2 pandemic, the 2020 edition was canceled and this year our main scope is to gather Italian researchers again in person, to overview recent experimental and theoretical advances in liquid crystal science in Italy. This will be an opportunity to enforce the network of collaborations and to foster new ideas.

Scientific Topics will include:

  • Colloids, nanostructured materials, self-assembly
  • Polymers, biopolymers , elastomers and ionic liquid crystals
  • Non conventional phases, structures and defects
  • Photonics, optoelectronics, displays and sensors

Padova, September 22-23, 2022